“single seat, single vote” system 单议席单票制
1# Generator Single Unit Initiating Single Pump 1#发电机单机启单泵; 阿拉莫斯快中子反应器
cable-stayed bridge with a single tower and single 独塔单索面斜拉桥
cable-stayed bridge with single cable plane and single tower 单索面独塔斜拉桥
cable-stayed bridge with single pylon and single c 独塔单索面斜拉桥
dual single-input single-output model 双单输入单输出模型
fiber optic cable, single mode, standard, tightly buffered, single fiber 单模态标准型
SDSL Single-Line Digital Subscriber Line,Single-Line DSL 单绞线数字用户系统; 对称数字用户回路
single box single room 单箱单室
single channel single pulse 单通道单脉冲
single column over single pile 一柱一桩
single external illuminator and single receiver 单发单收模式
single frequency and single-epoch 单频单历元
single generator single load equivalence method 单机单负荷简化法
Single hole with single initiation 单孔单响
single input single output control system 单输入单输出控制系统
single input-single output 单输入/单输出
single input-single output modle 单输入-单输出模型
single instruction single data stream system 单指令单数据流系统